Relationship issues related to dividing household chores for working couples

Are you a working couple and facing relationship issues in scheduling household chores? If yes, then you need to adopt an ultimate solution for resolving your relationship conflicts. This is because relationships are most successful when both the partners have shared responsibility as well as ownership for the relationship. Working couples might experience conflicts between their home and working roles due to a high level of stress, limited time, and competing behavioral expectations. 


Since nowadays most of the couples are working from home and hence their participation in the work domain is hindering their performance in a family role especially in managing their household chores. According to Gender studies, it has been identified that men do not share household chores even if the economic conditions of women are in a better position as compared to their economic position in the family. In most of the families, it has become an ethos that household chores such as washing dishes, swabbing, sweeping, etc. is the work to be done by women. The participation of men in such mundane tasks is considered to be taboo.

One of the efficient ways to distribute household chores is to schedule or plan household chores. This can be done by using a household chore scheduling app such as “YES MAM- game-changing solution to have perfect relationships”. By using this household chores dividing or scheduling app you can perform the following activities:

Assign/re-assign tasks: By using the Yes Mam App, the head of the family member is responsible to assign household tasks among other family members including kids as well. You can add tasks such as cleaning, washing clothes, dishes, dusting, etc and add points to each task as well. In case any individual cannot complete the tasks assigned by you, then that individual can disapprove the task being assigned, and assign that task to another family member as well. Moreover, family members can also assign tasks to the family head who mainly manages the tasks of other family members.

Set-points: Yes Mam app not only helps in dividing and assigning household tasks among family members but also helps them in motivating them to do their assigned tasks. The head of family members can also set the points with each of the household chores that you will be assigned to your family members. Individuals who are assigned to household tasks can earn points or prizes after completing assigned tasks.

 Set prize: Since points will be added to each task that will be completed by family members hence on the basis total number of points earned by the individuals, prizes will be won by them. Monthly prize to be won by the family members will be set by the person who will be assigning the household chores or tasks and this prize will be won by the individual at the starting of each month.

Hence, in this way, YES MAM- household chores distribution app not only helps in scheduling household chores or dividing household tasks among family members but also helps them in motivating them to complete their assigned tasks. This in turn help working couples to overcome their relationship issues that occur usually due to unequal distribution of household chores.